Firstly when it comes to fleas, our pest specialist will need to identify the source of infestation – typically the host is an animal(s), however they are capable of feeding on humans. If the host is an animal it will need to be treated appropriately by a third party.
A residual insecticide will then be applied to all areas frequented by the host (although all areas in the premises will be sprayed as a precaution). It is usually advised that we would need to carry out two follow up treatments for fleas between 7-10 days apart, the premises are treated in exactly the same way as the initial visit.
Size: small at 2mm
Colour: reddish brown
Shape: flattened laterally
Legs: they have 6 long legs
The most distinctive features of the cat flea are large jumping legs and black spines on the front margin of the head and on the rear.
Flees can consume as much as 15 times their own weight in blood each day.
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